Acceptable Use of Portfolio BI Products and Services

Acceptable Use of Portfolio BI Products and Services

Scope and objectives

This policy sets out the acceptable use of products and services provided by Portfolio BI and applies to all Portfolio BI clients as part of their contractual obligations. Provision of services by Portfolio BI is contingent on the compliance with this policy.

Acceptable use of Portfolio BI products and services

Acceptable use of Portfolio BI products and services includes but is not limited to activities provided for by agreements in place between Portfolio BI and the client, including but not limited to legitimate business use as agreed.

Unacceptable use of Portfolio BI products and services

Any activity that is illegal or fraudulent, is intended to or may disrupt availability, confidentiality or integrity of services provided by Portfolio BI or third parties, or may bring Portfolio BI or any of its clients into disrepute is expressly forbidden.

The above list is not exhaustive and professional judgment must be exercised to avoid any activity that may lead to violation of legal or contractual obligations or damage to reputation of Portfolio BI or its clients.

Access control and password requirements

All Portfolio BI clients are required at all times to abide by Portfolio BI password and access control requirements. In particular clients, their officers and their agents are required to follow all access control requirements and mechanisms provided for by Portfolio BI.

Where applicable any passwords used must be strong (defined as having 10+ characters including upper and lower case letters, digits and punctuation) and be regularly changed every 30-90 days. No attempt may be made to circumvent or avoid any security mechanisms unless specific written authorisation has been obtained for testing and compliance purposes.

Governing law

This policy is governed by English law regardless of the location of client or the services used or accessed.


Last review date: August 2024

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