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Crypto: An opaque market now in the limelight

In just 10 short years, the global market capitalisation of crypto-assets (i.e. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) has skyrocketed past the $3 trillion barrier...

Rolling back to normality…or not

Our entire way of working and running a business has irrevocably changed - both for better and for worse...

ESG and crypto-currencies: Not mutually exclusive

One of the biggest paradoxes right now facing some financial services firms is their willingness to embrace ESG causes while at the same time waxing lyrical about the benefits of crypto-currencies...

Taking stock of risk: The Top 10 risks now facing asset managers

Portfolio BI takes a look at some of the main risks which asset management is currently tackling and what lies ahead in 2022...

IBOR Front and Center, Now is the Time

Now is the time for asset managers to implement IBOR. By having a singular data source, asset managers will have better oversight of their performance and risk...

Navigating an Uncertain China

So, what exactly has happened to spook investors so badly in China? China’s government and regulatory bodies are starting to take a more interventionist role in various sectors across the market...

Digital Assets: A New Investment Frontier

While asset managers should certainly be taking note of the developments in the digital asset marketplace, they must exert a degree of caution as well...

Cannabis Legalization Is on The Rise, Are Cannabis-focused Funds Positioned to Roll or Go Up in Smoke?

A growing number of asset managers are launching cannabis-focused funds. But what are the challenges with this industry?...

Portfolio BI Shortlisted for the 2020 HFMWeek US Service Provider Awards

PBI Shortlisted for Best Data Management Solution and Best Use of Cloud Technology...


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